Summer Reading 2024

Girl sitting under an open book reading. The book looks like a tent. Behind her a moose and bear stand against the backdrop of stars and the moon. To the left a sign reading Adventure Begins at your Library.

Summer is right around the corner, which means the return of the SC TBS Summer reading Program!

June 3rd - August 1st

Patrons can choose to read by the book OR by hours. Patrons must keep up with their book OR hour totals and let us know by phone or email.

At the end of the program, everyone who has read at least ONE book or ONE hour will receive a Completion Prize and will also receive ONE entry in the Grand Prize Drawing for a Reizen Talking Label Wand.

If you have any questions- or wish to sign up for the program- give us a call at 1-800-922-7818 or email us at

TBS Summer Reading is open to registered TBS patrons in South Carolina.